Plotting a logistic regression - some considerations

data(tips, package = "reshape2")

Recode sex:

tips %>% 
  mutate(sex_n = case_when(
    sex == "Female" ~ 0,
    sex == "Male" ~ 1
  )) -> tips2

Fit model:

glm1 <- glm(sex_n ~ total_bill, data = tips2,
            family = "binomial")

Way 1


Way 2

Add predictions to data frame:

tips2 %>% 
  mutate(pred = predict(glm1, newdata = tips, type = "response")) %>% 
  mutate(predict_Male = pred > .5) -> tips3

Check values of predictions:

gf_histogram(~pred, data = tips3)

Plot jittered observed values (as points) plus prediction (as line):

gf_point(sex_n ~ total_bill, data = tips3,
         shape = ~sex,
         color = ~sex,
         size = 3,
         alpha = .5,
         position = "jitter") %>% 
  gf_line(pred ~ total_bill, color = "grey40")

Way 3

Plot predicted values as points

gf_point(pred ~ total_bill, data = tips3,
         color = ~sex,
         shape = ~sex,
         size = 3,
         alpha = .5) +
  labs(y = "Predicted probabality of being Male")